School Management System

We Know The Secret Of Your Success

Advanced management software for School.

Access account from anywhere, by any device like desktop, laptop, smartphone and tablet. Create your own language and convert the language phrases easily & Create backup and restore anytime.Create / edit / delete class / group for students, subjects here from subject menu, invoice listing, class routine schedule on 7days a week, booklist, notices according to date, student, teacher information, etc.


School Management System Module


Admin Manage & monitor Total School.


Teacher manage students, marks etc.


Student can check marks & attendance.


Parent can look children status & can pay bill cash, online.

About SMS

Take A Look At Our Administrator

Manage students class/group wise, teacher profile, parent according to student classwise, exam / semester listing, marks (edit/ update) and attendance exam,class & student wise, exam grades, class routine, payment for student, library, transportation routes for school, dormitory listing for school, noticeboard of school, own profile, language of the software, etc.

Contact Now
India, USA & UAE
Pune, Mumbai, Nagpur, Ranchi, Jabalpur, Grand rapid City & Dubai
+(91) 9823385499
Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm
24 X 7 online support